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World of Warcraft launches new Night Elf Mohawk campaign

World of Warcraft launches new Night Elf Mohawk campaign
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World of Warcraft launches new Night Elf Mohawk campaign
November 17
Jaime Skelton

If you thought the commercial campaign with Mr. T for World of Warcraft, declaring the existence of the "Night Elf Mohawk," was a silly fad, think again: Mr. T's back.

A new commercial featuring Mr. T and his Night Elf Mohawk shenanigans has been released on World of Warcraft's official YouTube page. It asks a very good question: "How do you explain the Mohawk grenade?"

Night Elf Mohawks are camped outside all starting zones, and will give players Mohawk Grenades. These items have five charges and, when used, will give everyone within the blast radius a Night Elf Mohawk head. No joke. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/faq/mohawkgrenade.xml

No expiration on the grenades, or the Night Elf Mohawk campaign, has been determined yet - it will end when "the Night Elf Mohawk decides his work is done."


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"You navigate like a blind chick." -Locklear

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