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Thorin says hello!

Thorin says hello!
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Semper Fi my friends! Just thought I would drop in and say hello. Hope all is going well...Grummy stop touching everyone!. Getting ready to do the run to the wall with a group of vets on Memorial Day. We are going the back way from Virginia Beach through the chesapeake bay-bridge tunnel into baltimore. Figured we would stay right at the inner harbor Sunday night and drop into Washington the next morning. The inner harbor is right near an area of Baltimore called "The Block". If you get a chance google "the block Baltimore, MD" for laughs.

My account died some time ago but I still hear from those who still play that there have been many changes. But that was to be expected. This game is changing so fast its hard to keep up with it all. I hear that Cat is not far off. I will have to get the vent info so I can drop in and talk to you all once in a while. Mean while, I wish you all the best! will be talking to you again soon I hope.

Thorin Cheers!


But everyone loves it when I touch them..

Best Priest Noob in Town!!

hey Thorin, sounds like you're having WoW withdrawl --or you've just gone crazy since you haven't been playing WoW. Run? Good Grief. I haven't run anywhere since high school and I hated it then too haha.

Seriously, good luck, have fun, and enjoy


"If we ever get a dog and cat, they should be named "Come-on" and "Goddammit", so that when you yell "Come on, Goddammit!" you'll be surrounded by their love." -Locklear (paraphrased)

"You navigate like a blind chick." -Locklear
Hi Thorin!

Good to hear you're having fun!

"We share much together, love of bacon, seeing how low we can let the tanks health get before healing him, pulling before the raid is ready(not really) we have shared a vast font of memories together." Master Fune about DA.
No withdraws lol...Just checking in with a few friends. It was tough at first, I won't lie! After three and a half years of daily gaming I did suffer some DT's. But it was time to get back into life. I still try and keep up with some of the changes in the game. The Cat Mod looks promising! How do you like the Goblin/Werewolf characters? Have any of you been able to do the Cat beta yet? I have talked to Jon recently via e-mail and it sounds like he has been busy as well. Which reminds me ...I need to call Sean. I wish the best for you all and will try and check in once in a while.

Thank you Isa for allowing me to maintain my forum access. You are the best!

Val...did you tie the knot yet? If so congradulations

Grummy, take care of those beautiful children my friend!

Take care my friends



Glad to hear you are doing well bud! Keep enjoying life and I hear you on those withdrawals.
Yay a Thorin sighting on his mechanohog


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