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Lich King & PvP news
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Blizzard expands on Lich King's PvP warfare
Thursday 3-Jan-2008 11:00 AM

Huge zone designed for PvP revealed in new WoW expansion

Upcoming World of Wacraft expansion (Wrath of the Lich King) will feature a large area dedicated to PvP, Blizzard has revealed.

A "cool part of Northrend is new big PvP zone. It's about the size of Westfall, and will be all-PvP - in no way, shape or form will we support PvE players in it", the developer's Jeff Kaplan has told PC Zone.

He continued, "It'll be optional, but it'll be completely non-instanced, have multiple objectives, siege weapons and destructible buildings".

In the interview, Kaplan went on to promise that WoW adventurers will have their socks blown off when they first enter the new continent of Northrend.

"We absolutely need to make the entry to Northrend epic", he said. "...we originally had the entry to Burning Crusade's Dark Portal as a bunch of cohorts waling around, and people reacted badly. This really hammered home the fact that we needed to raise expectations on entering the expansions".

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King is expected to launch this year, though Blizzard has yet to confirm when.

You can read PC Zone's full interview with Jeff Kaplan in its new issue, #190, out today.

Source: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=178462

"If we ever get a dog and cat, they should be named "Come-on" and "Goddammit", so that when you yell "Come on, Goddammit!" you'll be surrounded by their love." -Locklear (paraphrased)

"You navigate like a blind chick." -Locklear
Quote by Isadoriana
Blizzard expands on Lich King's PvP warfare
Thursday 3-Jan-2008 11:00 AM

Huge zone designed for PvP revealed in new WoW expansion

Upcoming World of Wacraft expansion (Wrath of the Lich King) will feature a large area dedicated to PvP, Blizzard has revealed.

A "cool part of Northrend is new big PvP zone. It's about the size of Westfall, and will be all-PvP - in no way, shape or form will we support PvE players in it", the developer's Jeff Kaplan has told PC Zone.

He continued, "It'll be optional, but it'll be completely non-instanced, have multiple objectives, siege weapons and destructible buildings".

In the interview, Kaplan went on to promise that WoW adventurers will have their socks blown off when they first enter the new continent of Northrend.

"We absolutely need to make the entry to Northrend epic", he said. "...we originally had the entry to Burning Crusade's Dark Portal as a bunch of cohorts waling around, and people reacted badly. This really hammered home the fact that we needed to raise expectations on entering the expansions".

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King is expected to launch this year, though Blizzard has yet to confirm when.

You can read PC Zone's full interview with Jeff Kaplan in its new issue, #190, out today.

Source: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=178462

Sounds interesting - and with the rising off-raid pvp interest taking hold in this guild, the new pvp zone might be fun for some guild runs. And on that note, as much as I enjoy battleground, I haven't done any of the BC zone pvp stuff. It would be fun to get a group of guildies together and go play with Halaa, or the pvp objectives in Hellfire, etc.

Quote by Darkdesire
here goes blizzard, pushing yet more pvp down our throats

Honestly hun, I don't know if I could say that there is any real pushing going on. I understand that some people endure pvp to try and keep up with the gear aquisition...and that can be frustrating if you don't like it. But, to others pvp is a favorite part of the game. I for one find it a welcome relief from the raid grind. I enjoy the free-flowing nature of pvp as well as the competativeness. Where raiding is mechanical, pvp is instinctive. Where raiding relies on strat research and the assurance that everyone understands their little cog in the machine, pvp demands quick decisions and fast responses. It puts you on the edge and forces you to hone your skill in that class just a little bit higher. And a lot of people really love that aspect - the thrill of it.

I can also see Blizzard's need to refesh the game and to try and find further ways to make it compelling. I wouldn't be surprised if this next expansion is that last we see for WoW. I could be wrong. But, I wonder how many more stories you can tell in this universe. And if Blizzard wants to experiment with new standards in MMOs, it is hard to introduce new mechanics without disrupting the balance of the existing game. It us much easier to simply start a new game - a risky thing to do when WoW is their bread and butter. But, we as players like to consume the game as fast as possible. So, they are challenged to find new and compelling things to try and hold our interests. Otherwise, their audience will eventually get board and die off.

Just my perspective....

Quote by Darkdesire
well up until arenas came out, pvp and pve were seperate things (hence pvp and pve realms being seperate), now with pvp gear being almost as good if not better in some ways than the crap you get from pve raids, you see alot of people putting alot more time and energy into pvp rather than pve. i for one do not like pvp much, while it can be a distraction from the humdrum of raiding, however i am a pve'er, if there were a pure pve server with no bg's/arenas i would transfer in a heartbeat. just my $0.01 (i am so broke cant give $0.02)

I certainly get where you are coming from DD. :-)

I think we need to drag her into one of our premades...she might change her mind.

but I agree on it being too easy to get gear equal to or better then the tier stuff, simply from grinding honor.


Get to Da Choppa!
I love pvp..I think they keep the pve gear and pvp gear quite separate from each other. For example...Gladiators Leggings (hell, vengeful gladiators leggings) or spellstrike? spellstrike is a much better pve choice due to dmg, etc. I dunno I think they are in two separate categories and while some pieces do carry over (I wear the gladiators gloves and pvp bracers, as well as the pvp wand and belt for raiding). The very best do not.

I think itll be a fun addition in the expansion to see an entirely pvp zone. Itll give us late night players something to do besides queue up for another AV, AB, or WSG loss.


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