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Funniest ebay post ever

Funniest ebay post ever
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Check this link out, its to an ebay auction, for an engagement ring. Trust me, it's pretty funny/sad.
This, right here, is why I married a bigger gamer than me.

I feel sorry for the girl tho.

"If what you're seeing is an open book...Thats great. Well, I'm an open book. But I'm real shy." ~Blue October, "The Answer"
WTF she is beautiful! A towtruck driver would be lucky to have her...eh whatever I gotta go play wow see you guys later..

Ahhhh yes we r in Laver world now, FIRST WTF kinda HOMO lets a fine piece like that walk out the door for a gay ass MMORPG or whatever the hell it is. Second, a $1,600.00 ring!! I FUKING WISH i could have gotten off with paying only 1600 for my wifes damn rock! Jesus!!!!! that dosnt even cover the cost of the fuking band I had to pay to go with the ring she wanted.... Next... WHy the F do you ppl play this damn game for 14 hours!!! WTF seriously!? if you find yourself on here for 14 hours straight,,,pls kill yourself, do not pass go do not collect 200 gold, just kill yourself....

That is all...

My first thought as well was...0.3 carat? very sad, and $1600? Thats maybe double what it actually cost. Maybe when she looked at that itty bitty rock she finally got a clue. And if your in the diamond market, color-less-ness is over rated.
She shoulda just started playing WoW. Then she would have seen how addicting it is. Maybe he is better off considering she's hocking the ring he gave her and making a public spectacle of herself on ebay. Almost seems like she's trying to sell herself with her story.

"If we ever get a dog and cat, they should be named "Come-on" and "Goddammit", so that when you yell "Come on, Goddammit!" you'll be surrounded by their love." -Locklear (paraphrased)

"You navigate like a blind chick." -Locklear
I'd pick the game, every time. Did you see that twinkle of insanity in her eye? Yea, this guy knew what he was doing. For one, I guarantee he did NOT pay 1600 for that ring, he probably bought it much cheaper. She just got it appraised for that much. Now shes overcharging...

dont get me wrong, i feel bad for her. but the guy had to have a reason for wanting to play WoW 14 hours a day...yes ive done so but i was usually trying to avoid something

and she did try to play the game she said...guess she just cant cut it

either way..it gets a big fat LOL from me!

- when you open the window in firefox, the top of the tab says "World of Warcraft Widow - No RES"

it actually says "no reserve" but you cant see that part lol


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