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Background downloader for 3.2.0 patch available

Background downloader for 3.2.0 patch available
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WoW Patch 3.2.0 Download: small part available
By: Alan Ng
Posted on: July 16, 2009

Looks like the wait is finally over for World of Warcraft gamers now, as Blizzard have announced that the background download for Patch 3.2.0 is now available to download on your computers, meaning that the final version is imminent.

As reported from SoftSailor, World of Warcraft Patch 3.2 Call of the Crusade has been delayed for a number of months, with Blizzard not actually giving any reasons why.

This news though is sure to make gamers forgive and forget as they all rush to start the background download of the patch. At the moment, there is only a ’small part’ of the patch available to download and it weighs in at around 273MB. Blizzard has said that this is to prevent a server crash and potential bandwidth congestion.

Source : http://www.product-reviews.net/2009/07/16/wow-patch-320-download-small-part-available/

"If we ever get a dog and cat, they should be named "Come-on" and "Goddammit", so that when you yell "Come on, Goddammit!" you'll be surrounded by their love." -Locklear (paraphrased)

"You navigate like a blind chick." -Locklear

This news though is sure to make gamers forgive and forget as they all rush to start the background download of the patch. At the moment, there is only a ’small part’ of the patch available to download and it weighs in at around 273MB. Blizzard has said that this is to prevent a server crash and potential bandwidth congestion.

.... hmm seems they only partially succeeded as we had a high frequency of DC's etc while trying to run Ulduar last night

Oh well


heck, I launched WOW and closed it down just to get the background downloader going and after running nearly 8hrs, It had picked up a whopping 3MB of patch...

Quote by yarkoon
heck, I launched WOW and closed it down just to get the background downloader going and after running nearly 8hrs, It had picked up a whopping 3MB of patch...

The blizzard downloader is a BitTorrent client, might want to make sure your NAT is set up to forward the required ports correctly.

yeah, which sadly, I can't do. My fibre connection comes into the "residential gateway" to which my workstation is connected via the ethernet on the back of my "set top box" in my office (which talks HPNA back via co-ax to the gateway). The gateway forwards all incoming traffic from the outside world to my "real" router who then splits up based on ports to various servers. If I could run ethernet from my office to the "server network" I'd be able to NAT the downloader ports to myself again - but the way my house is built, there's no reasonable way to run ethernet to the switches in the garage. =(

That said, I *am* uploading and downloading. I'm up to about 15MB of the patch. I blame the rest of the world for not sharing.

And since Locklear has been slacking lately with the animal pictures...


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