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This one goes out to Ordog!

This one goes out to Ordog!
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Is ordog.....

A) the dude

b) the chick

C) the moose

I vote moose

Best Priest Noob in Town!!

Two quick things, first Fune i demand 3:46 secounds of my life back from you NOW,,,,Lastly, look at the tool above me and all of his 70's,,,,Either he has no life, or he plays WOW all day at work, Oh wait I know the answer to thism HE PLAYS WOW ALL DAY AT WORK

you know you L O V E D it Laver!


I love Scotch,,,,and of course my good friend Baxter, but that, that i do not love...And STOP sending me in game whisp's asking if I'll cyber whisper with you...


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