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Philly and Laver sing their life stories

Philly and Laver sing their life stories
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Yeah, I thought of Laver and Philly when I saw this one.


Sent! /pounce

And that...Is wrong. I'm so making all the guys at the office right now watch it.

"If what you're seeing is an open book...Thats great. Well, I'm an open book. But I'm real shy." ~Blue October, "The Answer"
That was just not right but hey some guys are just quick on the draw.Thanks Guys you put a smile on this girls face

Yeah I thought this was hilarious the first time I saw it. Andy Samberg is a funny guy. JT seems to have some part in all his music videos too. This may be mean but its just how some in this guild are with each other. We tease. Im just trying to revive that.


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