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Convert your toon into a minature

Convert your toon into a minature
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A bit old, and huge waiting list but interesting $99 +14.99 s&h


<--- has interesting in LK
Quote by Buttaknives

A bit old, and huge waiting list but interesting $99 +14.99 s&h

Seeing that you could do this is what got me playing again. I just want to have some gear cooler looking than the damn Frozen Shadow Weave Robe first.

You and the Captain make it happen!
I wonder how ugly my toon would look in miniature form.

Quote by Locklear
I wonder how ugly my toon would look in miniature form.

I saw the 3D printing machines early in the year at a convention. Awesome creations. In fact, I'm working on a business plan now and hope to have financial backing by the end of this year. Gonna open my own little 3D print shop and get in on the action. Total cost to create one of those statues is about $15, but since there aren't many people doing it, the price is high. Hold onto your money and I'll give a guild discount once it's up and operational. Maybe around Xmas time. Hoot!

* Crazy F N Bird *
Quote by Locklear
I wonder how ugly my toon would look in miniature form.

Pretty bad. You need prettier looking gear. /nod

Good thing my Peligrie won't have one made. Everyone would be able to really see the bags under her eyes. Poor Peli...that toon is always tired...

"If we ever get a dog and cat, they should be named "Come-on" and "Goddammit", so that when you yell "Come on, Goddammit!" you'll be surrounded by their love." -Locklear (paraphrased)

"You navigate like a blind chick." -Locklear

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