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Appalling Poem for a Boomkin to Read

Appalling Poem for a Boomkin to Read
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This is really disturbing reading for any druid.

Injured Bird Poem

I found a birdy in the snow

It had a broken wing, you know

I took it home and fed it some bread

Then I SMASHED it's FUKIN head.

* Crazy F N Bird *

That poor birdy!

I saw one hopping on the side of the road yesterday morning with a little broken wing too. It was hopping and fluttering and trying to fly. It was sad.

Hoots! Did you kill it!!?! It wasn't there when I walked back by.

"If we ever get a dog and cat, they should be named "Come-on" and "Goddammit", so that when you yell "Come on, Goddammit!" you'll be surrounded by their love." -Locklear (paraphrased)

"You navigate like a blind chick." -Locklear
Quote by Hoots
This is really disturbing reading for any druid.

Injured Bird Poem

I found a birdy in the snow

It had a broken wing, you know

I took it home and fed it some bread

Then I SMASHED it's FUKIN head.

It's a lot cleaner to just wring their necks- as long as the head doesn't pop off.

You and the Captain make it happen!
I think he plucked it isa & had deep fried crit chicken!

ohhh noes.


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