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Well, if we don't all get Bear mounts by Lich Kings...

Well, if we don't all get Bear mounts by Lich Kings...
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We can always start raiding Undercity!

New achievement -

# For The Alliance! - Slay the leaders of the Horde. Reward - Black War Bear

For a reward that cool, we may actually see some world pvp for once.

Here are some other new ones:

# Leading the Cavalry - Obtain 75 mounts. Reward - Albino Drake
# Glory of the Hero - Complete the Heroic Dungeon achievements Reward - Red Proto-Drake
# Glory of the Raider - Complete the Normal Difficulty raid achievements Reward - Plagued Proto-Drake
# Heroic: Glory of the Raider - Complete the Heroic Difficulty raid achievements Reward - Black Proto-Drake
# What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been - Complete the world events achievements. Reward - Violet Proto-Drake

Jesus Christ, 75 mounts? I guess thats good enough reason to save gold up if any.

Does that mean they'll be adding alot more mounts, because I can't really think of "75" obtainable mounts unless you also count Horde mounts (cross faction for 1 account?). Or can someone buy 1 of every color or one of every type and have that count towards the 75? And dang that'd be alot of bank space!

"If we ever get a dog and cat, they should be named "Come-on" and "Goddammit", so that when you yell "Come on, Goddammit!" you'll be surrounded by their love." -Locklear (paraphrased)

"You navigate like a blind chick." -Locklear
Well, mounts and novelty pets are learned as spells now when you use them the first time, so they don't use bag space anymore.

1. Black war Tiger
2. War talbuk
3. Epic ram
4. Locklear
5. Netherdrake
6. Nether ray

only 69 to go


<--- has interesting in LK
What??? More gold??
I'm saving mine for a quick inscription leveling on Vala - so save your plants and you'll get a piece of it.
And also for a mount - whatever it is, doesn't matter. The only tough decision is who to kill off my mount first. (i gotta make sure bichi is featherless muhahaha).
Oh and since Locklear told me how he can be dispelled off his mount - opens up so many fun possibilities - since you know... the bubble can be dispelled too.

Oh man, i cant wait!!!!

"We share much together, love of bacon, seeing how low we can let the tanks health get before healing him, pulling before the raid is ready(not really) we have shared a vast font of memories together." Master Fune about DA.
Not dispelled, interrupted.

You can interrupt the Pally charger cast.

Does that mean we can get a pro instance group and slam everything out to get mounts lock? =D
Quote by Locklear
Not dispelled, interrupted.

You can interrupt the Pally charger cast.

Dreadsteed, too. I also cannot mount if I've been silenced... or I'm oom. And no amount of spell haste shortens the cast.


"[Sixx]... you just lack diplomacy." -Vujadae

Quote by Buttaknives
1. Black war Tiger
2. War talbuk
3. Epic ram
4. Locklear
5. Netherdrake
6. Nether ray

only 69 to go


I'm fairly sure multiple colors of the same type of mount counts toward the total. Might as well spend that gold surplus.

Quote by ansguh
Does that mean we can get a pro instance group and slam everything out to get mounts lock? =D

We'd probably have to go and re-do all the pre-Lich King instances/heroics in order for it to count, since most achievements aren't retroactive.

Quote by sixxara
Quote by Locklear
Not dispelled, interrupted.

You can interrupt the Pally charger cast.

Dreadsteed, too. I also cannot mount if I've been silenced... or I'm oom. And no amount of spell haste shortens the cast.


Really? I could've sworn Heroism shortens my mount cast time.

You could probably duo or maybe trio the old heroics at 80... especially if the gear difference is anywhere near close to the same as it was from 60-70. My shammy can solo any non-raid level 60 instance in under an our (barring the FULL BRD run, and by full i mean every boss), hell i did a baron run in under 45 min a few nights trying for his mount.
Quote by Locklear
Quote by sixxara
Quote by Locklear
Not dispelled, interrupted.

You can interrupt the Pally charger cast.

Dreadsteed, too. I also cannot mount if I've been silenced... or I'm oom. And no amount of spell haste shortens the cast.


Really? I could've sworn Heroism shortens my mount cast time.

Heroism might. I've honestly never tried to mount up while I had the buff. I do know that my "spell haste" gear has no effect on it.


"[Sixx]... you just lack diplomacy." -Vujadae

I'm always up for Scholo. Just say the word.

"We share much together, love of bacon, seeing how low we can let the tanks health get before healing him, pulling before the raid is ready(not really) we have shared a vast font of memories together." Master Fune about DA.
The Word


oh...and just try go kick me off of your mount...levitate for the mutha fuckin win!!!


Quote by ansguh
You could probably duo or maybe trio the old heroics at 80... especially if the gear difference is anywhere near close to the same as it was from 60-70. My shammy can solo any non-raid level 60 instance in under an our (barring the FULL BRD run, and by full i mean every boss), hell i did a baron run in under 45 min a few nights trying for his mount.

I think achievements are coming along with patch 3.0, so we can probably get a head start on them before the expansion actually rolls out.

Yea, most of the old instances can be solo'd, but as a prot pally, it takes so damn long its almost not worth it. The new Blessing of Sanctuary would definitely help, but it isnt a cure for boredom.

Understood, lets hit em up as soon as 3.0 comes out... should be able to do em all in a couple weeks imo
Quote by bichi
oh...and just try go kick me off of your mount...levitate for the mutha fuckin win!!!

That's why i said featherless...

"We share much together, love of bacon, seeing how low we can let the tanks health get before healing him, pulling before the raid is ready(not really) we have shared a vast font of memories together." Master Fune about DA.

Yea, most of the old instances can be solo'd, but as a prot pally, it takes so damn long its almost not worth it. The new Blessing of Sanctuary would definitely help, but it isnt a cure for boredom.[/QUOTE]

What if i heal you just with healing touch? Oh wait.. thats my fun.. NEVERMIND.

"We share much together, love of bacon, seeing how low we can let the tanks health get before healing him, pulling before the raid is ready(not really) we have shared a vast font of memories together." Master Fune about DA.

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